Thursday, July 10, 2008

Joke of The Day

A blonde gets a job as a teacher.

Watching the kids play she notices a boy in the field stood by himself while all the other kids are running around having fun with a ball.

She takes pity on him and decides to speak to him.

"Are you ok?" she says

"Yes" he replied.

"You do know that you can go and play with the other kids", she says.

"Its best I stay here" he said.

"But why?" says the blonde.

The boys says "Because I'm the goalie"

Monday, July 7, 2008

Check This Out!!!

I am the one in the Red shirt.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

How I spent My 4th of July Weekend!!!

I thought I had seen it all. Growing up in the city and all. This weekend I was invited to take in 4th of July festivies in a rural Wyoming town. Yes, the parade are shorter, the festivities different. It was a good culture learning experience.
Here are some of my observations; I hope you find them as amusing as I did.

1. Most floats in the parade consisted of A) A 4x4 truck pulling a trailer or B) A 18 wheeler.
2. The "floats" that consisted of a trailer were decorated in country decor...sagebrush or tumbleweed. Quite the opposite from parades of past in the city with elaborate decorated floats with bright colored paper designs, etc...
3. Maybe half way thru the parade there is a "float" serving beer on tap to all willing parade viewers of age. Yes, Jordan didn’t understand why they would give him some bubbly apple juice.

All in all it was a good experience with the best fireworks display ever. It looked like a clip from a war movie, with Bombs over Bagdad by Outkast playing in the background.

Picture to follow once I find the digital camera.