Saturday, September 27, 2008


Being a good Sportman and Sportsmanship.....IMO it goes beyond the textbook definition: " as fairness, courtesy, being a cheerful loser."

I bring this up becuase, Today as with most Saturdays I had the opportunity to go play co-ed soccer at a local indoor facility. The team I am currently on is not the greatest, but suffices until my knee is back to 100%. Well....the team we played against a (green) team that had about 15 people to our 8. We were up for the challenge. No sooner had the game started than we netted 3 goals. I have never played against a more pathetic team. A the game progressed, the one-eyed ref continuously favored the other team by not calling fouls for hand balls, flying elbows or a combo of other tactics used to gain the upper hand.

It was not our fault that the other team sucked and were no better than a groups of 12 yr olds. You would think that by paying the ref to call the game in your favor was wasn’t. Should one be a poor sport if they or their team suck and continously lose? Gracefully lose and we a shining example of what a good sportman is. Instead of calling out to direct and motivate team members, the green team was complaining. If my team even bumped a player on the green team they were all over the ref. These people needed a lesson in how to lose gracefully.....I think there is a book by Al Davis (Raiders Owner) on this topic.

I think my team was a perfect example of true sportsmanship. After all we were fair enough to let them score twice so they wouldn’t leave without scoring. We barely managed to walked away with an 11-2 victory. I won MVP of the game due to my acrobatic leap to block a shot and manage to get a knee in the back at the same time.
Now that is a perfect example of a true sportsman....taking one for the team to protect the slim lead we had.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Sound Off!!!

I almost choked on my PopTart Sunday morning when I heard the Federal Gov was earmarking $700 billion dollars over the next few years to buy "toxic" assets of the large troubled US Banks. WTH!!!..$700 billion, that is about equal to the combined net worth of the 15 Richest people in the world.

I can see why the government is getting involved to protect the economy, but at what expense to the citizens and hard working taxpayers. It seems that the big cats that run these financial institutions have little or no blame when it comes to chaotic problems as the ones plaguing the financial markets and economy right now. If anything they are fired or "forced" to resign, but they don’t leave broken. Most of these individuals are given a nice golden parachute, so they will never be poor or go broke. And all of this is at the expense of us poor folk.

It seems that the government will promise money to any large Fortune 500 company, even if they dont have it. I can understand why the governement is trying to help soften the blow that the credit crunch is causing and to avoid "toxic" or troubled assets from flooding the markets. Their what cost? Look at the national debt. As of September 2008, the government’s debt was a staggering $9.7 trillion. TRILLION...Not billion or Million. This figures out to be about $32,000 per capita. So while the government is underfunding SS, Medicare/Medicaid and other important programs, they have no problem handing out $700B to banks and financial intuitions who have been poorly managed. Maybe the government needs to pass laws that protect things like this happening again. I doubt it.

I am finished ranting...I will step off my soap box. God Bless America....Go Cowboys!!!