Friday, November 23, 2007


A nice quiet night was interrupted when my nephew wanted to show me how he could hide a penny in his mouth. After some begging and bribing, I was almost able to convince him to spit the penny out. As I went in for an attempt to grab it, Brycen swallowed it because he didn't want me to get it. LMAO!!! As me and Charlie took him to the ER, we had him beleiving that the Drs would have to cut his stomach open to get the penny. As he sat on the Xray table and screamed as the Xray came dow, we finally told him its ok and the Dr will not cut him open.
***Note to Parents....Don't try to make your child regurgitate after swallowing a non-food item. The ER doctor said its better to let the swallowed item run thru the bowels if it is not poisonous.***