Friday, August 3, 2007


I am hoping that Jordan and Carter will be interested in soccer. I would love to post a video clip like this of them playing soccer.

Welfare Abuse

We all know that Government Assistance is to help those in need. Is it there for those people that think they are in need but really don't need or deserve WELFARE?
Personally, I think the welfare system needs to be policed better. I have heard of to many cases where people abuse the system and get away with it. And people wonder why taxes and healthcare costs are rising. HMMMMM.....

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Tag I am It

I guess I have been slacking on internet and blog "lingo". According to my dear sister-in-law, I have been tag or in other words called out to share 7 the people might not know about me.

So as I racked my middle-aged brain on how to go about this, here are the following 7 things about me.

1. If I was on a stranded island, I would only need 3 food items to survived on until help arrived: Coke (the kind you drink), Kettle Corn, and Cookie Dough. It might be hard to make sure it stays cool to avoid e coli or samonella

2. When I was a young Lad in Scotland, I am most bit my tougne off. Just to preface things, when I concentrate I have a tendency to stick out my tougne or bite on it. So the story goes...I was climbing on the clothes washer for some reason. As I made my accent upwards I either lost my footing or grasp on the top of the washer and slipped, biting into my tougne.
I still have the scares to show for it and a rather large tougne (ie Gene Simmons).

3. I share my birthday with a very famous Cicil Rights Leader. Dr Martin Luther King, Jr. It is nice when this day falls on a work day and most generous employers let you take the day off.

4. I managed with the help of my dear mother to reach the rank of an Eagle Scout. This means that I no longer have to go on tretious campouts, build makeshift snow caves or go to door in the fall begging for dontions to support the scouting program.

5. I think I am one of a handfull of people that has manage to be on a mission and see 3 different LDS Presidents serve in that capacity. President Ezra T Benson passed away when I was in the MTC 1994. President Howard W Hunter was appointed to fill the vacancy. Also, making time to come see me before I departed to the Dominican Republic. Shortly there after March 1995, he passed away and President Gordon B Hinkley took his place.

6. I belong to a family where my Grandmother, Mother, and Myself (And Siblings, that graduated from the same High School.

7. Finally, I competed nationally in piano competions until the age of 12. I suffered a injury that forced me to discontinue my piano playing. I did have dreams of become the next Liberace. Only if...........

Its your turn fellow bloggers. YOU HAVE BEEN TAGGED!!!!