Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Tag I am It

I guess I have been slacking on internet and blog "lingo". According to my dear sister-in-law, I have been tag or in other words called out to share 7 the people might not know about me.

So as I racked my middle-aged brain on how to go about this, here are the following 7 things about me.

1. If I was on a stranded island, I would only need 3 food items to survived on until help arrived: Coke (the kind you drink), Kettle Corn, and Cookie Dough. It might be hard to make sure it stays cool to avoid e coli or samonella

2. When I was a young Lad in Scotland, I am most bit my tougne off. Just to preface things, when I concentrate I have a tendency to stick out my tougne or bite on it. So the story goes...I was climbing on the clothes washer for some reason. As I made my accent upwards I either lost my footing or grasp on the top of the washer and slipped, biting into my tougne.
I still have the scares to show for it and a rather large tougne (ie Gene Simmons).

3. I share my birthday with a very famous Cicil Rights Leader. Dr Martin Luther King, Jr. It is nice when this day falls on a work day and most generous employers let you take the day off.

4. I managed with the help of my dear mother to reach the rank of an Eagle Scout. This means that I no longer have to go on tretious campouts, build makeshift snow caves or go to door in the fall begging for dontions to support the scouting program.

5. I think I am one of a handfull of people that has manage to be on a mission and see 3 different LDS Presidents serve in that capacity. President Ezra T Benson passed away when I was in the MTC 1994. President Howard W Hunter was appointed to fill the vacancy. Also, making time to come see me before I departed to the Dominican Republic. Shortly there after March 1995, he passed away and President Gordon B Hinkley took his place.

6. I belong to a family where my Grandmother, Mother, and Myself (And Siblings, that graduated from the same High School.

7. Finally, I competed nationally in piano competions until the age of 12. I suffered a injury that forced me to discontinue my piano playing. I did have dreams of become the next Liberace. Only if...........

Its your turn fellow bloggers. YOU HAVE BEEN TAGGED!!!!