Monday, June 9, 2008

Sacrifice...What does it really mean?

How you define the word Sacrifice? I search a few dictionaries to come up with the best definition. Sacrifice is defined as “to give of oneself or one's interest for others, do go without or give up something to benefit others".

A friend shared a story that they heard recently of a parent that was unsure if they would have a birthday party for one of their children. Money was tight, the government check was not expected for a few more weeks, but there was money in the "rainy day fund". Was it necessary to withdraw money from the fund? What does one do when given such a difficult decision? For me it’s a no brainer, give the child a well deserved party. Hell....the kid deserves surviving another year is this life. Sacrifice, do what you need to do to have a party. No need to make it glamorous or invite the whole neighborhood. Just something simple. Why would a parent struggle with spending their "rainy day funds" to provide enjoyment and celebration for their child? Greed? Selfishness? Ignorance?

I will step down on my soapbox. Thanks for listening to be vent and get a troubling situation off my chest. GOD BLESS!!!