Saturday, September 6, 2008

A Government Out of Control!!!

The War in Iraq, The Mortgage Crisis, The Presidential Election....I can continue naming problematic issues but will spare you the reading. Out of all the issues putting the strain on the government and economy that I have never understood is how the welfare and assistance programs function. Granted, there are people that have bad luck and have no control over how their lives play out. This I can understand that the government is there to step in and save and help. What about the people that are lazy or have figured out how to play the system? This abuse is ignored!!! It makes me sick to see people that use their food stamps at the grocery store or gas station to purchase "necessities", only to go hope into a large pimped out SUV or car. How is this possible? Luxuries like this should be earned and not given to people that have to rely on the government to pay for their food and medical needs because they WANT the nice things in life without working for them. Cmon!!!

I wake up every morning and go to work for 8-9 hrs, pay taxes and insurance premiums faithfully out of each pay check. After this I am expected to pay my bills out of my own pocket with no help from the government. So it’s hard to watch people abuse a generous system fund by my tax dollars and other hard working Americans. I have known a few people that have managed to play the system. They too have jobs, but choose for the lesser paying jobs. They want to appear as poor as possible. It’s their choice to make $7-10/hr instead of more. No one hold a gun to their head and robs them of their free agency. If you choose this, you should go without the finer things in life...the nice SUV, Prada handbag, Tag Heuer watch or daily trips to Starbucks.

The government would have millions or even billions if they would spend a little more time and money to prevent and stop the abuse. After all, look at the national debt!! Some of the money save from the abuse could go towards paying down the debt and paying more into SS benefits for the current and future retirees.

OK...I am done; I will step off my soapbox, thanks for listening to me vent. GOD BLESS!!!