Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Child Abuse!!!

Not Really, But.....

Jordan being young and nieve decided to follow his mom to the nail salon to get a pedicure. Hopefully this habit won't continue


janers said...

ha ha ha

cant you teach your son better? next thing you will know he will be wearing high heels and carring a purse!

watch out! ;)

janers said...

ha ha ha.

soon he will be wearing high heels and carrying a purse.

watch out.

Jerry said...

Put your foot down DAD! Don't let his mom turn him into a sissy!

Just kidding.. I think. You do have a great family.

Anyway, I enjoyed your blog.. we moved from Utah years ago for the warmer climate of East Texas.

I noticed on your profile that one of your interests is investing.. mine too!

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Check the news on my blog and join me in a tournament by registering through the links there (or by clicking here).

And keep up the great work on your blog.. I really like it!