Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Daily Reminders

I just love it how children make sure they let their parents are reminded how much they are love. Case in point......

After a long day of work and volunteering for RSL, I made it home. My cute, adorable, loving, precisous son wanted to play with my cell phone. He has done this on several occisions without any problems. This time it was different. For a brief second he was possed by the devil. He thought it would be funny to hide my phone and have me look for it.
So I agreed to play his little game. As I went looking for my phone, Jordan was nice enough to give me some helpful hints, I found my phone. Jordan thought it would be funny to put Daddy's phone on the spider trap. I nice rectangle paperboard with sticky gooo on it.
I wasn't sure if I was suppose to laugh and act surprised or beat his ass. As Jordan ran out of the room to tell Mommie what happened, I sat down and laughed.